Centre for the History of the Alps

Montagne e territori ibridi tra urbanità e ruralità, Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi, USI, Mendrisio Academy Press
Montagne e territori ibridi tra urbanità e ruralità, Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi, USI, Mendrisio Academy Press

Si possono descrivere i territori di montagna e i territori ibridi o “rurbani”, come luoghi nei quali urbanità e ruralità coesistono in uno scambio costante e dinamico? Oppure li si deve considerare come il risultato della contrapposizione tra mondo urbano e mondo rurale? Il compito dell’osservatore e dello studioso è comprendere gli intrecci o individuare i limiti dell’uno e dell’altro? Dai contributi riuniti in questo volume emerge la necessità di leggere il territorio montano e le ibridazioni tra urbano e rurale, attraverso un approccio transdisciplinare. Non esiste un solo punto di osservazione e una sola ragione osservativa. Ma se i territori sussistono solo in relazione al modo in cui li viviamo, li descriviamo e ce ne appropriamo, è indispensabile moltiplicare e far interagire diversi punti di vista per poterne cogliere la struttura profonda.

Montagne e territori ibridi tra urbanità e ruralità

edited by
Roberto Leggero
14.5 x 19 cm, 256 pp.
29 ill. b/w
italian, english
ISBN 9788887624946
€ 25 / frs 25.–

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Labour and Business in Pre-Industrial Societies, Mendrisio Academy Press
Labour and Business in Pre-Industrial Societies, Mendrisio Academy Press
Labour and Business in Pre-Industrial Societies, Mendrisio Academy Press
Labour and Business in Pre-Industrial Societies, Mendrisio Academy Press
Labour and Business in Pre-Industrial Societies, Mendrisio Academy Press
Labour and Business in Pre-Industrial Societies, Mendrisio Academy Press
Labour and Business in Pre-Industrial Societies, Mendrisio Academy Press
Labour and Business in Pre-Industrial Societies, Mendrisio Academy Press
Lavoro e impresa nelle società preindustriali, Mendrisio Academy Press
Lavoro e impresa nelle società preindustriali, Mendrisio Academy Press

How was work done, how did income accumulate, and how was business conducted in pre-industrial societies? Through the experiences described in this book, the reader will discover a series of features distinguishing the various forms of work. Some are well-known, others perhaps less so, but all fall into three spheres: diversification of sources of income, creation of networks of contacts (professional and familial, political and religious), and adoption of complex business strategies.

Labour and Business in Pre-Industrial Societies

edited by
Roberto Leggero
14.5 x 19 cm, 264 pp.
21 ill. b/w
italiano, english
ISBN 9788887624830
€ 25 / frs 25.–

Open Access Contact us
Alpi e patrimonio industriale, Mendrisio Academy Press
Alpi e patrimonio industriale, Mendrisio Academy Press
Alpi e patrimonio industriale, Mendrisio Academy Press
Alpi e patrimonio industriale, Mendrisio Academy Press
Alpi e patrimonio industriale, Mendrisio Academy Press
Alpi e patrimonio industriale, Mendrisio Academy Press
Alpi e patrimonio industriale, Mendrisio Academy Press
Alpi e patrimonio industriale, Mendrisio Academy Press
Alpi e patrimonio industriale, Mendrisio Academy Press
Alpi e patrimonio industriale, Mendrisio Academy Press

What does the industrial past of the Alps teach us?

The various studies contained in this volume explore differences and similarities in the protection of the industrial heritage in relation to the evolution of memory and the construction of the heritage in recent decades in the alpine world.

Alpi e patrimonio industriale

edited by
Luigi Lorenzetti
Nelly Valsangiacomo
14.5 x 19 cm, 308 pp.
31 ill. b/w
italian, french, german 
ISBN 9788887624786
€ 25 / frs 25.–
Out of stock

Open Access
Montagne, comunità e lavoro tra XIV e XVIII secolo, Mendrisio Academy Press
Montagne, comunità e lavoro tra XIV e XVIII secolo, Mendrisio Academy Press
Montagne, comunità e lavoro tra XIV e XVIII secolo, Mendrisio Academy Press
Montagne, comunità e lavoro tra XIV e XVIII secolo, Mendrisio Academy Press
Montagne, comunità e lavoro tra XIV e XVIII secolo, Mendrisio Academy Press
Montagne, comunità e lavoro tra XIV e XVIII secolo, Mendrisio Academy Press
Montagne, comunità e lavoro tra XIV e XVIII secolo, Mendrisio Academy Press
Montagne, comunità e lavoro tra XIV e XVIII secolo, Mendrisio Academy Press

The theme of the book is the definition of the relations between community and work in the alpine and subalpine environment. The setting of the Alps has resulted in specific forms of organisation of work and ownership, for example by emphasising the role of the collective management of land assets, but, at the same time, the organisation of work has modified and characterised life differently in mountain communities than in lowland communities. Alpine areas provided opportunities not always present elsewhere: exploitation of forests and waters, employment as guides, and transportation of goods by pack animals through the mountain passes and of travellers in transit. These were just some of the possible spheres of work in these areas. The texts that the reader will find in the book are organised into five sections: the first dedicated to collective needs and local resources, the second to the organisation of work, the third to trade and commerce, the fourth to infrastructure and, finally, with a function of comparison and contrast, a fifth section devoted to “other mountains”.

Montagne, comunità e lavoro tra XIV e XVIII secolo

edited by
Roberto Leggero
14.5 x 19 cm, 260 pp.
27 ill. b/w
ISBN 9788887624724
€ 20 / frs 20.–

Open Access Contact us