MSc1-2_Interventi artistici nell'architettura_Guest Lecture: Yvette Sanchez

Istituto di storia e teoria dell'arte e dell'architettura

Data d'inizio: 17 Ottobre 2018

Data di fine: 19 Ottobre 2018

Art in Architecture at a Public University: Students’ and Staff’s Everyday Immersion

Lezione di Yvette Sánchez 

Mercoledì 17 ottobre 2018
ore 9.00, Palazzo Canavée, aula C0.64
Nell'ambito del corso di Interventi artistici nell'architettura (Mas 1-2; Docente Simona Martinoli)

Yvette Sánchez, Prof. Dr., is Director of the Centre for Latin American Studies (CLS-HSG), Full Professor of Hispanic Cultures and Societies and, currently, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of St.Gallen. She is engaged in several research projects in the Latin American area, attempting to bridge the gap between cultural studies and social sciences, e.g. in the Swiss Graduate School of Latin American Studies (SSLAS) or the interdisciplinary HSG research networkTranscultural Workspaces, e.g. cooperating with the ICRC in Geneva. Prof. Sánchez was born in Maracaibo/Venezuela, studied Hispanic language and literature as well as anthropology and got her PhD from the University of Basel. She wrote her second book on collectionsim and acts as president of the art committee at the University of St.Gallen.