Call for applications, 2 postdoc positions, ERC StG INWOOD


Laboratorio di storia delle Alpi

31 July 2024

The postdocs will work within the ERC project 'INWOOD – Industrial Wood: European Industrialisation as Seen from the Forests (1870-1914)'. The postdocs will analyze specific areas of Central and Eastern Europe (preferably within the Austro-Hungarian Empire) that experienced a boom in timber processing and trading activities between the late 19th century and the early 20th century. The postdocs will adopt a micro-analytical approach to study the socio-economic impact of these transformations on rural communities and the ecological impact on the forest landscape at the local level. Ideal candidates should have proficiency in English and at least one of the languages of the area, as well as experience in analyzing archival sources produced between 1870 and 1914 by forest authorities, state authorities, local institutions, timber merchants, etc.

For more information see the link beside