Doctoral seminar_Drawings as Sources

Istituto di storia e teoria dell'arte e dell'architettura

Data d'inizio: 4 Maggio 2021

Data di fine: 6 Maggio 2021

Drawings as Sources

Prof. Dr. Cammy Brothers (Northeastern University, ETH Zurich)

Tuesday, May 4, 2021
9.15-12.30, online on MS Teams (access code: 89n95wk)

Prof. Dr. Cammy Brothers (Northeastern University, ETH Zurich) will speak in the context of the AAM doctoral seminar about her research on the drawings of Michelangelo as well as her forthcoming book on Giuliano da Sangallo. Her talk will be followed by presentations of several doctoral students of the AAM about the drawings from the archival corpus of their research.