MSc1 La città come paesaggio energetico. Lezione online di Sara Bronin

Accademia di architettura

Data: 17 Maggio 2021 / 15:00 - 17:30

MSc1 La città come paesaggio energetico

Prof. Sascha Roesler


Lezione online


Sara Bronin

Energy Governance


Lunedì 17 maggio ore 15.20

Online @Zoom >>LINK

Passcode: 161385
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Sara C. Bronin holds the Thomas F. Gallivan Chair in Real Property Law at the University of Connecticut (UConn). She has received a BA in Architecture, an MA in Economic & Social History and a JD law degree from Yale School. Her research focuses on property, land use, solar rights, historic preservation, and climate change law. Next to her academic work, she serves as expert and consultant to cities, state agencies and private firms. Among others, she led the efforts of the city of Hartford to draft and adopt a climate change action plan. In this lecture, Sara Bronin shares experiences from her work in Hartford and will discuss the relevance of legal contexts in urban energy transition.