AAECS '09 - 1st international workshop on Applied Agent based simulator Engineering for Complex System study

Istituto per il Progetto Urbano Contemporaneo

Data d'inizio: 13 Dicembre 2009

Data di fine: 14 Dicembre 2009

1st international workshop on
Applied Agent based simulator Engineering for Complex System study
Nagoya, Japan

Website: http://www.ird.fr/ur079/aaecs09/


Agent-based simulation is now a well-established research domain and has become more and more used in various areas of sciences and industry. One of the major contributions of multi-agent systems is perhaps their capacity to model (quite intuitively) and simulate systems having a high degree of complexity (high number of agents or parameters, complex interactions between them...), such as the ones needed in ecology, epidemiology or sociology. The complexity of the systems to be modeled also induces a highly complex modeling process: for example, it involves the participation of many stakeholders with various skills (and thus various languages and habits...).

The aim of the workshop is to be a place of exchanges and discussions about the agent-based modeling process of Complex Systems, from the point of view of both methodology and tools. This includes, among other topics: reflections about and formalizations of the whole modeling process, from the first interaction between stakeholders (domain experts, computer scientists...) to final simulations; studies on the integration of various (mathematical or others) models with agent-based models; uses of GIS (Geographic Information System) or other spatialization tools and their integration in the modeling process. Submissions about the collaboration between stakeholders taking part in the modeling and about tools improving it are also welcome.


We welcome contributions on ongoing innovative researches and applications on the agent-based modeling process. We aim at being at (and making) the interface between agent-based simulation of complex systems and any kind of agent-oriented programming techniques. Specifically, the workshop topics include, but are not limited to:

  • agent-based methodology for modeling and simulating complex systems;
  • agent-based engineering for complex system modeling and simulator development;
  • collaborative modeling and simulation;
  • agent-based simulation framework;
  • verification and validation of models and simulators;
  • grid computing for large scale simulation;
  • sensibility analysis of simulators;
  • use of complex data (GIS, ...) for agent-oriented simulation ;
  • any experience in modeling and simulation of complex systems
  • ...

A particular attention will be given to papers addressing case studies, and presenting multidisciplinary work.


  • Paper submission deadline: September 15, 2009
  • Paper notifications: October 1st, 2009
  • Camera-ready of accepted papers: October 31st, 2009
  • Workshop day:  December 13, 2009


Springer has committed to publish the post-proceedings of the workshop in the "Studies in Computational Intelligence" book series. All accepted workshop papers will be published by Springer.

A particular attention will be given to papers addressing case studies, and presenting multidisciplinary works. Each paper will be reviewed by three members of the program committee. Submissions should be 16 pages in length, including figures and references. Papers must be formatted according to the Springer SCI format: http://www.springer.com/series/7092.

Authors must submit their propositions before September 15, 2009, in pdf format, through the EasyChair url: https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?timeout=1;conf=aaecs09

Note that : in the Latex style file (svmult.zip), please only use templates files `for authors': you only need to read the instruction file `authinst.pdf ' and use `templates/author.tex' with specified styles. (Other files are dedicated to editors.)


  • Alexis Drogoul UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, UPMC, MSI-IFI, Vietnam
  • Benoit Gaudou UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, MSI-IFI, Vietnam
  • Nicolas Marilleau UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, UPMC, France


  • Carole Adam, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Frédéric Amblard, IRIT-CNRS, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
  • Alassane Bah, UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, UCAD, Dakar, Sénégal
  • Arnaud Banos, UMR Image et Ville, CNRS, Strasbourg, France
  • Eric Blanchart, UMR Eco&Sol, IRD, Montpellier, France
  • Fabrice Bouquet, LIFC, Université de Franche Comté, Besançon, France
  • Bruce Edmonds, Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School
  • Jean-Daniel Kant, LIP6, UPMC, Paris, France
  • Itsuki Noda, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan
  • Ho Tuong Vinh, UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, MSI IFI, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Christophe Lang, LIFC, Université de Franche Comté, Besançon, France
  • Jean-Daniel Zucker, UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, Bondy, France


For futher information, you can contact the organizing committee at [email protected]

Best regards,

Marie Noelle Comin

S4 Institutional Website: http://s4.parisgeo.cnrs.fr/
S4 collaborative Website: http://s4.csregistry.org/tiki-index.php

13 rue du Four
FR-75006 Paris