MSc1-2_Architettura del dopoguerra in Italia e Germania_Guest Lecture: Luka Skansi

Istituto di storia e teoria dell'arte e dell'architettura

Data d'inizio: 15 Novembre 2016

Data di fine: 17 Novembre 2016

MSc1-2 Architettura del dopoguerra in Italia e Germania
Prof. Sonja Hildebrand
arch. Matteo Trentini

The Remnants of a Miracle
The short life of architecture

Lezione di Luka Skansi

Martedì 15 novembre 2016, ore 11.00
aula C3.89, Palazzo Canavée


The lecture will focus on an amount of abandoned masterpieces of Italian modern architecture, built in the period of its highest economic effort: the years of the "miracolo economico", between the 1950's and 1960's.
These buildings, resulted from an ambitious political, industrial and economic investment, were conceived within the most advanced research of that time in the field of architecture and structural engineering.

They are today neglected, deserted and in most cases forgotten.

Luka Skansi (1973), architectural historian, is assistant professor at University in Rijeka, Croatia. He wrote essays and articles on Carlo Scarpa, Aldo Rossi, Gino Valle, Pier Luigi Nervi, Myron Goldsmith, Jože Plečnik, Manfredo Tafuri, Nikolaj Ladovskij, Moisej Ginzburg, Peter Behrens, Vladimir Braco Mušič.
He curated exhibitions on Italian and Yugoslavian postwar architecture and participated in the 2014 Biennale di Venezia, section "Monditalia", with the installation "The Remnants of a Miracle".
In 2012 he was a Visiting Scholar at the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montreal. He was Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana (Slovenia), Belgrade (Serbia) and at University Ca Foscari in Venice.