ISA Lecture_Caroline van Eck

Accademia di architettura

Data d'inizio: 5 Aprile 2017

Data di fine: 6 Aprile 2017

Istituto di Storia e Teoria dell'arte e dall'architettura



ISA Lecture


Caroline van Eck

University of Cambridge, England


Cannibalism, Tatouage and Dressing:
from the History of Architecture to the Anthropology of Architecture



mercoledì 05 aprile 2017 ore 18.30

aula C3.89, Palazzo Canavée



Caroline van Eck studied art history at the Ecole du Louvre in Paris, and classics and philosophy at Leiden University. In 1994 she obtained her PhD in aesthetics at the University of Amsterdam and her thesis was published as Organicism in Nineteenth-Century Architecture: an Inquiry into its Theoretical and Philosophical Background (Amsterdam: Architectura & Natura Press, 1994). She has taught at the Universities of Amsterdam, Groningen and Leiden, where she was appointed Professor of Art and Architectural History in 2006. She has been a Visiting Fellow at the Warburg Institute and the Paul Mellon Centre for British Art at Yale University, and a Visiting Professor in Ghent, Yale and York. Since September 2016 she is a Professor of Art History at the University of Cambridge, England and a fellow of King's College. She delivered the 2017 cycle of Slade lectures in Oxford under the title 'The Material Presence of Absent Antiquities: Collecting Excessive Objects and the Revival of the Part.' Her main research interests are art and architectural history and theory of the eighteenth century; the relations between rhetoric and the arts; the anthropological and psychological aspects of the impact art works exercise on those involved with them; and processes of stylistic and cultural transfer considered from the perspective of the agency of artefacts. Her recent publications include Classical Rhetoric and the Arts in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), and Art, Agency and Living Presence. From the Animated Image to the Excessive Object (Munich and Leiden: Walter De Gruyter/Leiden University Press, 2015). In 2014 she received the Prix Descartes-Huygens, awarded by the Académie des Sciences, the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres in France and the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences; in 2015 she was made a Chevalier of the Ordre National du Mérite, and in the same year she received the Grand Prix du Rayonnement de la Littérature et Culture Françaises, awarded by the Académie Française. In 2016 she received a honorary doctorate from the University