'More or Less Density' Simposio ISUP, Istituto di studi urbani e del paesaggio - LIVE STREAMING

Academy of Architecture

Start date: 29 October 2020

End date: 30 October 2020

Accademia di architettura

ISUP Istituto di studi urbani e del paesaggio




More or Less Density


Organised by Jonathan Sergison, Frédéric Bonnet, João Nunes and Sascha Roesler,
with the support of Madlen Kobi, Enrico Sassi and Lorenzo Stieger


29-30 October 2020

Accademia di architettura USI
Mendrisio, Palazzo Canavée, Hall C0.61


LIVE STREAMING on our media channel


The inaugural symposium organised by the Institute of Urban and Landscape Studies (ISUP) aims to rethink density as a conceptual category that extends not only to urban areas but also to the surrounding territories. Dense living environments have become the norm in many parts of the world, and the rural/urban divide is obsolete when it comes to conceptualising density. Globalised realities are much more complex and new spatial entities are constantly being created by the movement of people, goods and services.