MSc1 La città come paesaggio energetico. Lezione online di James Wines

Academy of Architecture

Date: 22 March 2021 / 15:00 - 17:00

MSc1 La città come paesaggio energetico

Prof. Sascha Roesler


Lezione online


James Wines

Re-thinking it All – Architecture 2021


Lunedì 22 marzo ore 15.20

Online @Zoom:
Passcode: 161385
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James Wines is a Professor of Architecture at Pennsylvania State University in the US. As an artist and founder of the architecture firm SITE (Sculpture in the Environment), he is well-known for the iconic building designs for the discount chain BEST from the 1970s and his visionary and equally critical architectural drawings. Considered a pioneer of eco-design, Wines published many books and received numerous awards for his ecological thinking, in which he seeks to merge ideas from the visual arts, architecture, and landscape design. In this lecture, James Wines will revisit his Œuvre in view of the emerging post-pandemic era.