(Re)building the Alps? 100 years from the publication of "Alpine Architektur" by Bruno Taut / (Ri)costruire le Alpi? A 100 anni dalla pubblicazione di "Alpine Architektur" di Bruno Taut

Laboratorio di storia delle Alpi

Start date: 7 November 2019

End date: 8 November 2019

Mendrisio, Palazzo canavée, Aula C063 (7 November) / Palazzo Turconi, Aula T0.5 (8 November)


Bruno Taut’s Alpine Architektur was published in 1919. The book was written during the First World War, against a background of mass massacres and destruction. By placing himself “above the fray”, Taut turned his gaze towards the mountains and their peaks as a free area in which to express the constructive and edifying potentialities of the human being where human community could reconcile. A hundred years later, the book poses a series of huge problems, and involve many types of scholars.