ISA Lecture_Matthias Schirren

Institute for the History and Theory of Art and Architecture

Start date: 20 March 2019

End date: 22 March 2019

The A of Architecture. Reflections on the Principles of a Profession

ISA Lecture di Matthias Schirren

Mercoledì 20 marzo 2019, ore 19.00
Palazzo Canavée, aula C0.63


What do architects do when they build? Is what they do more than building? And how can architecture be distinguished from solely building. What could be called the decisive difference between an architect and somebody like Bob the Builder? Is it just a dress coat which makes the difference? Or, is it a mental dress coat with a fabric from ancient times as the etymology of the word architect seems to tell us? The lecture deals with the constantly changing principles of the architectural profession which nevertheless always contained one point at any time: that point which makes the difference.

Prof. Dr. phil. Matthias Schirren is holding the chair of History and Theory of Architecture at the faculty of Architecture, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (FATUK). He curated various exhibitions on leading figures of 20thand 21stcentury architecture (Hans Poelzig, Hugo Häring, Richard Meier).He published numerous books and articles on art, architecture and urban planning of the 19thcentury until today.Recent publications include, amongst others,: „Dynamisierung des Urbanen. Stadtbilder der historischen Avantgarden" (The Dynamification of Urban Space. Cityscapes of the Historic Avantgardes, in: Anthologie zum Städtebau, eds.  Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Katia Frey, Eliana Perotti, Berlin 2014, Bd. II.2, pp.729–845 (in collaboration with Sylvia Claus) as well as „Kampf und Kunst. Theodor Fischers Städtebaulehre“ (Fight and Art. Theodor Fischer Teaching Urban Planning , in: Die Stuttgarter Städtebauschule, eds. Johann Jessen und Klaus Jan Philipp, Stuttgart 2015.