CoPe 2010 - Complexité Plurielle

Institute for the Contemporary Urban Project

Start date: 24 January 2010

End date: 30 January 2010

CoPe 2010 - Complexité Plurielle
January 24-29, Valmeinier, France

Interaction networks are conceptual features allowing to describe the
complexity of natural and human systems. These systems and networks are
nowadays, in the core of scientific observations and developements
within various disciplinary, from Biology, Physics to Health or Human
and Social Sciences. The goal of this thematic school is to focuss on
the use of such models for these disciplinaries.

General presentations will be done, based on these issues, methods and
models in various case studies in Neuroscience, Geography, Biology,
Social Sciences or Telecommunications. Practical laboratories will be
also organized, leading to implementation based on the Graphstream
Library (

Various adaptives activities will be proposed in order to allow experts
or non experts in computer sciences to find benefit of such modeling
technics for their own problems within their disciplinaries. Some
participants will be find benefit to simply manipulate pre-build models
while other participants would like to have an express learning in Java
to develop their own programs with Graphstream. Some participants could
also expose their own study cases to initiate discussions leading to
first steps modeling based on Graphstream. In this last case,
preliminary discussions are necessair with organizers.

More information is available (in french language) on the web site:
or using the email : [email protected]

Cyrille Bertelle - LITIS (EA 4108)
Professeur en informatique
Université du Havre
UFR Sciences et Techniques
25 rue Ph. Lebon - BP 540
76058 Le Havre Cedex - FRANCE
Tel : +33 232 744 317
Fax : +33 232 744 314
Mob : +33 614 050 077
[email protected]

Best wishes,

Marie Noelle Comin

S4 Institutional Website:
S4 collaborative Website:

13 rue du Four
FR-75006 Paris

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