Material Gesture - Atelier Anne Holtrop

Academy of Architecture

Start date: 7 May 2018

End date: 17 May 2018

Atelier Anne Holtrop

with: Cristiana Lopes and Philipp Wündrich

with projects by: Sofia Boarino, Giulio Branca, Paul Felix Eckert, Agnieszka Gronek, Guillaume Guisan, Martina Kueng, Laura Merlin, Anita Morvillo, Francesco Pusterla, Fabian Reiner, Silvio Rutishauser, Felix Zeitler


In this atelier we focus on the unique gestures dictated by a particular material as a way of working such material in what we call MATERIAL GESTURE. Roland Barthes in his writings on the work of Cy Twombly, denes the term gesture as the surplus of an action. An action, he writes: “is transitive, it seeks only to provoke an object, a result.”

Whereas the gesture is “the indeterminate and inexhaustible total of reasons, pulsions, indolences which surround the action with an ‘atmosphere’.” In the atelier we explore the gestures of making in relation to a material, in order to produce an architecture that is solely focused on the relationship between the two, where the reality and meaning of the work lays within the material, the form and the act of making. The architecture that results from this approach does not reference or represent something, neither is it an abstraction, but simply attempts to exist as a physical reality.