MSc1_The Urban Passive House_On Urban Commons_Lecture

Academy of Architecture

Start date: 15 March 2016

End date: 16 March 2016

The Urban Passive House

Prof. Sascha  Roesler



Palazzo canavée C3.89




Dr. Heinrich Nax
Economist, ETH Zurich

The “Tragedy of the commons and anti-commons” often results from human interactions when there is an inherent conflict between private and collective interests. Such “social dilemma” situations have been studied widely in the social sciences. In this talk, we provide an overview over these phenomena and link them to the topic of energy provision in the context of the Urban Passive House.


Dr. Matthias Mast
Building services engineer, Amstein+Walthert Zurich

Only recently, has the concept of low-temperature or “cold” district heating systems, as a new form of thermal infrastructure, been implemented in Switzerland. This talk introduces the underlying principles and explores some of the advantages and challenges from a practical viewpoint.