MSc1_The Urban Passive House_On Synergies_Lecture

Academy of Architecture

Start date: 22 March 2016

End date: 23 March 2016

The Urban Passive House

Prof. Sascha  Roesler



Palazzo canavée C3.89




Dr. Tatjana Petzer
Cultural Scientist, Berlin

Synergy (derived from Greek synergein, ‘to cooperate’) has become highly en vogue and overused, its origin and meaning though remain fairly vague. Nevertheless, it is a key concept, and even more, a prospective and promising way of thinking. The talk traces back the history of the concept and delineates the introduction of synergetics, moreover it discusses the present state and the future of synergetic approaches.

Dr. Fanny Lopez,
Historian of Architecture, Paris

Autonomy defies the dominant paradigm of large technical systems that has been in place for over a hundred years. The 1970’s marked a turning point and experiments have been multiplied in Western societies. These works contributed to fracture the modern energy framework and announced unprecedented challenges in rethinking the way we live and consume. What kind of lifestyles and daily practices emerged in the visions of self-sufficient houses or plans for disconnection from traditional networks? What lessons can be learned from these small pipe-engineering experiments?