Theoretical paper


Where they occur in the masculine grammatical gender only, the designations are understood in all genders.

As we are entering the Diploma semester, students starting the two-year Master's program are required to write a paper worth 5 ECTS in theoretical fields (historical-humanistic and technical-scientific). Students and lecturers are required to be familiar with the Guidelines (please see the attached documents). Please be aware that this paper must be done alone and not in pairs or groups.
The paper must be a scientific text with a minimum of 30 000 characters (excluding spaces). The supervisors will later assess them and you will be given a mark between 1 and 10 (where 6 is the minimum passing grade).



from 1st March to 2nd September 2024

The registration procedure must be completed, and the final version of the paper uploaded onto the Virtual Secretariat (VS). The student must enroll at least four months before the deadline of submitting the paper, after contacting one of the authorised lecturers to supervise the theoretical work (see the list below).
Together with the supervisor, the student will choose the topic and a submission date. Once completed, the registration remains valid for the following sessions.
Registrations will only be completed once the supervisor has confirmed on the VS that they have accepted the candidate.
By accessing the VS, supervisors can check the number of papers accepted per session, as well as the total number per year. In accordance with the Guidelines (Art. 3), there is a maximum number of 10 papers per year for each supervisor.

Registration guide

Submission deadlines

From this year on, there will be a compulsory intermediate submission and a final submission for each session.

  • Compulsory intermediate submission

The student must send a first version of their paper to the supervisor by e-mail by the chosen deadline (see list of submission deadlines below). The intermediate version of the paper includes at least the complete table of contents, the final bibliography, and one/two chapters/paragraphs. The student will need to consult with his supervisor for any further details that may be required for the intermediate submission.
Please note that the intermediate submission is mandatory, and no blank pages may be handed in.
The supervisor will complete the paper report form and send it to the “servizio elaborati” by the date indicated below.

  • Final submission

The student will submit the final version of the paper via SV (including images and in pdf format) no later than the deadline indicated below. Delays are not accepted.
The student must click on “finalizza” to complete the submission procedure.
The student will also submit this same version by the chosen deadline on iCorsi for anti-plagiarism verification (Turnitin).
The supervisor must submit final grades and reports via SV by the dates indicated below.

Sessions for the elaborato teorico 2024-25

Session 1

  • ​Intermediary submission via email to the supervisor by 30 April 2024

​Deadline for supervisors for sending intermediate reports: 15 May

  • ​Final submission via VS and iCorsi by 30 June

​​Deadline for supervisors for sending marks and reports via VS: 15 July

Session 2

  • ​Intermediary submission via email to the supervisor by 15 June

​​Deadline for supervisors for sending intermediate reports: 30 June

  • ​Final submission via VS and iCorsi by 31 August

​​ Deadline for supervisors for sending marks and reports via VS: 15 September

Session 3

  • ​Intermediary submission via email to the supervisor by 15 October

​​Deadline for supervisors for sending intermediate reports: 30 October

  • ​Final submission via VS and iCorsi by 15 January 2025

​Deadline for supervisors for sending marks and reports via VS: 24 January

Extraordinary remedial session

The possibility of resubmission in February is only granted in the case of a fail in the January session with a negative grade of 5 or 4/10. The supervisor must notify the “servizio elaborati” ([email protected]) if there is a problem with the revision by the January session and the need for resubmission in February.
The supervisor should notify the “servizio elaborati” ([email protected]) if there are problems that prevent the corrections being completed by the deadline in January and extra time can be granted.

Turnitin anti-plagiarism check

The student must upload a digital copy of the paper on the iCorsi platform for plagiarism verification (Turnitin) when the final version of his paper is submitted. The papers must be uploaded within the course “Consegna elaborato[supervisors’ name] 2024/2025> Upload [session]”.
Please note that the supervisors are required to check the Turnitin report before submitting their own reports, so that they can be taken into account in the assessments (see Guidelines). The supervisor’s report must include a brief note on the Turnitin report.
Supervisors can refer to the vademecum for more information on the Turnitin report assessment.
In case of problems with plagiarism or doubts about the report, the supervisor can at any time contact the “servizio elaborati” ([email protected]).


Supervisors list
  • ALBANI Francesca
  • BETTINI Sergio
  • BEZZOLA Tobia
  • BIDEAU André
  • BIONDILLO Gianni
  • BONNET Frédéric
  • CARNEVALI Barbara
  • COMETTA Mosè
  • DUSI Carlo
  • FRANGI Andrea
  • FRANK Christoph
  • GAY Jean-Lucien
  • GRAF Franz
  • IVANOVICI Vladimir
  • JAKOB Michael
  • LEE Kevin
  • LEGGERO Roberto
  • LLORET Fritschi
  • MARTINOLI Simona
  • MOIZI Mirko
  • MOLINA Moreno
  • MONDINI Daniela
  • MONOTTI Mario
  • NAVONE Nicola
  • NERI Gabriele
  • NOZZA Carlo
  • OESTERLE Silvan
  • ORAZI Manuel
  • PETZET Muck
  • ROESLER Sascha
  • ROSCETTI Andrea
  • SOMAINI Antonio
  • TESCARI Vega
  • VEGETTI Matteo
  • WALKER Enrique


Directives and anti-plagiarism statement

Students and professors are required to read the attached Guidelines.
The last page of the paper must contain the following declaration, which each student must sign with an (electronic) signature:

“I declare that I have written this work entirely with my own hand, in keeping with Articles 37.1 and 37.2 of the Study Regulations (prohibition of plagiarism). I also declare that I have exhaustively cited the paper and electronic sources of the passages quoted.”

Or by attaching the anti-plagiarism statement 

The prohibition of plagiarism includes self-plagiarism, i.e. the repetition of texts or parts thereof previously submitted to university bodies (e.g. term papers written as final examination papers).
The use of ChatGPT is formally prohibited.

Students are invited to consult the editorial guidelines



Servizio Elaborati

  • Bénédicte Maronnie - Coordinator of the theorical papers
  • Carla Mazzarelli - Direction delegate for the theoretical papers